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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Journalists urge JK to fire minister, police boss 

                             President Jakaya Kikwete

Mbeya. Journalists in Mbeya Region have appealed to President Jakaya Kikwete to kick out minister for Home Affairs Emmanuel Nchimbi, Inspector General of Police Said Mwema and Iringa regional police commander Michael Kamuhanda in connection with the recent death of TV reporter Daudi Mwangosi.
They said the three leaders should be made accountable for the death of Mr Mwangosi who died in the hands of the law enforcers. Mbeya Press Club (MBPC) chairperson Christopher Nyanyembe said the President should fire the three officials who have not yet resigned over the death of journalists.
"Police officers who were involved in scuffle in which the Channel Ten journalist, Mr Mwangosi, was killed should also be prosecuted,” Mr Nyanyembe said when addressing journalists after demonstration to condemn the killing of their colleague on September 2.
During the demonstration, journalists from print and electronic media in Mbeya displayed placards condemning the law enforcers for the use of excessive force that led into the death of Mr Mwangosi.
Some media stakeholders and other members of the public also participated in the demonstration.
One of the placards read: "We are against the killings of innocent people committed by the police" while others, read: "Police fidelity is doubtful", “No Press, No Government”, "We will never forget you Mwangosi", and “Where are the police of Nyerere's era?”
Mr Mwangosi was killed in the hands of the law enforcers when the police used force to disperse a gathering of Chadema supporters at Nyololo Village in Iringa Region early this month. He was buried at Busoka Village, Rungwe District in Mbeya Region.

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