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Wise AD

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


TB JOSHUA, whose giant guesthouse collapsed, killing many pilgrims in Nigeria, is among the world’s top 10 richest pastors.

Forbes magazine says the leader of the Synagogue Church of All Nations is the third richest pastor in Nigeria. His riches are estimated to be worth at least R110 millions! (Estimated net worth $10 Millions - $15 Millions). The church’s headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria’s financial capital, is like a beehive to which followers from around the world flock to seek healing – or wealth.
Nigeria’s most controversial clergyman is also one of its richest and most philanthropic. T.B Joshua heads the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN), a congregation he founded in 1987, which accommodates over 15,000 worshippers on Sundays. 
The Pastor has remained controversial for several years for his inexplicable powers to heal all sorts of incurable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, cancer and paralysis. 
For miracle-craving worshipers, it’s the perfect seduction. The church currently has branches in Ghana, the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Greece. 
In the past three years, he has given over $20 million to causes in education, healthcare and rehabilitation programs for former Niger Delta militants. He owns Emmanuel TV, a Christian television network, and is close friends with Ghanaian President Atta Mills.
South Africans are said to spend up to R40 000 each for a trip. But last Friday pilgrims found death when Joshua’s multi-storey guesthouse collapsed on them while they were enjoying a meal. President Jacob Zuma said initially that 67 South Africans were killed but yesterday he said the final death toll will be known only after the search for survivors ends.
Families are frantically visiting Lagos hospitals and morgues to search for loved ones. Rescue efforts have reportedly been hampered by church officials who are not co-operating. But the church put out a statement yesterday denying this. It said it was collaborating with all authorities, including the SA government.
The church statement said: “It is sad that inaccurate reports are coming from some quarters that we are not co-operating with the rescue teams and other agencies in collating information and providing assistance.
 “The church has provided assistance when and where required and continues to do so – good Christians are good citizens.”
 Sapa reports Mzansi’s high commissioner in Nigeria, Lulu Mnguni, saying there are 265 South African survivors. There were 96 injured South Africans but now there were only 29 in hospital, including a three-year-old.
Mnguni said 17 South Africans were still unaccounted for. Joshua’s assistants said he was in a meeting and they didn’t know when he would be available. The church has blamed the tragedy on an aircraft flying around the building, alleging it was an attack on Joshua.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Florida woman has surgery to add third breast to make herself 'unattractive to men'

Tridevil, 21, hopes to get a reality show on MTV.

Jasmine Tridevil, 21, spent $20,000 for the plastic surgery, she told an Orlando radio station. 'To me it just feels like another boob,' she says. 'The only difference is the nipple, that doesn't feel like the other ones.'

One of these things is not like the others. A 21-year-old Florida woman says she spent $20,000 for a third breast to make herself "unatttractive to men."
The admittedly "crazy" massage therapist, who goes by the name Jasmine Tridevil, told an Orlando radio station in a bizarre interview that she had the plastic surgery because she doesn't want to date anymore.
Jasmine Tridevil had surgery to add a third breast because she does not want to date.
"Well I am crazy," she told the "The News Junkie" show last week. "Crazy people don't know they are crazy, so technically since I know I'm crazy I'm not crazy."
She said she had to see countless doctors before finding one who would do the surgery. The procedure cost $20,000, she told the radio station. Tridevil has aspirations to be a reality star, and hopes to get a show on MTV.
When asked about her new addition, she told the station that "to me it just feels like another boob. The only difference is the nipple, that doesn't feel like the other ones."

Her parents, though, apparently did not take the news in stride. "I told my mom on camera," she told the station. "(She) ran out the door."
Watch her video Interviews                  

Monday, September 22, 2014


IT took Khanyisile Masina two years to finally dump her abusive lover. 
And she was right to be scared. In a jealous rage, her boyfriend Moses Mhlanga stormed into her room with a machete and attacked her and her eight-month-old child, Phumlani.

 “He felt that I should leave town because I wasn’t dating him. He forced his way into my room and attacked me with the machete. The first blow landed on the back of my head. I tried to block the blows with my hands and arms, with disastrous results,” she said. 

Convinced they were both dead, he fled into the bush where he hanged himself from a tree. Khanyisile woke up in hospital the following day. She and Phumlani had been saved, but she had lost both her hands and arms, while her son lost the use of his left eye. That was in March 2003. 

Today, Khanyisile from Bed-Is-Good near Dundonald, Mpumalanga is 34 years old and Phumlani is nine. Moses is dead but Khyanyisile is still helpless. 

“I cannot bath or go to the toilet by myself. Do you know how humiliating it is to pay someone to help you wipe your own behind?” she asked. 

Khanyisile said an artificial hands could give her back her life but it costs as much as R50 000. The artificial hand she got from the Mpumalanga Department of Health is plastic without any practical use. It just gives people the impression that she has a hand. 

Daily Sun has helped many people. I’m hoping SunPower can shine on me too,” she said.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Miss Universe Tanzania 2014 yaanza rasmi, Wahi kuchukua fomu za kushiriki..!

Yale mashindano ya kumsaka mwakilishi katika mashindano makubwa kabisa ya ulimbwende ulimwenguni Miss Universe Tanzania 2014 yameanza rasmi.
Je wewe ni mrembo, mrefu na mwembaba, unayejiamini na unataka kukamilisha ndoto yako? Usisite kuchukua forms za kujiunga na 
Miss Universe Tanzania 2014, katika mikoa ifuatayo: 
MWANZA (LULU SANGA - 0715471412); 


ARUSHA (GADIOLA - 0715643633/078464363) na

Tafadhali, ukipata taarifa hizi basi usisite kuwajulisha na wadau mwengineo.

 Kama wewe ni mrembo mwenye vigezo vyote usisite kutimiza ndoto yako na ratiba ya usaili ni kama Ifuatavyo:-
MWANZA tutakua Gold Crest tarehe 14 /09/2014 saa 4 asubuhi mpaka saa 9 alasiri. ARUSHA Tarehe12/09/2014 MBEYA NA IRINGA Tarehe 16/09/2014 na DAR ES SALAAM itakua tarehe 19/09/2014 Ukumbi na muda mtatangaziwa punde. Kwa maelezo zaidi piga namba 0655441165/0713302075
Warembo wote mnakaribishwa!